DREAM handmade knife by ANDROSHCHUK KNIVES, buy to order in Ukraine, steel - CPM® S125V™, 65 HRC
- Brand: Майстерня ножів ANDROSHCHUK KNIVES
- Product Code: МРІЯ - ніж ручної роботи ANDROSHCHUK KNIVES
Загальна довжина клинка mm: | 285±05 mm |
Матеріал леза | Blade - CPM® S125V™ - highly alloyed martensitic stainless tool steel, concern "Crucible Industries" (USA). |
Твердість клинка (метал): | Hardness - 65 HRC |
Матеріал руків'я: | The bolster, back rest and blue spacer are made of timacus. Stabilized mammoth tooth. Walrus tusk |
Довжина леза | 145±05 mm |
- Availability: In Stock
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The name of the knife: DREAM handmade knife by ANDROSHCHUK KNIVES, buy to order in Ukraine, steel - CPM® S125V™, 65 HRC
Knife type: Fixed blade
Brand: Studio of exclusive handmade knives ANDROSHCHUK KNIVES
We will make a knife to your order
Steel sheet: One-piece, through-the-hole mounting on a screed and epoxy resin
Blade sharpening angle: Sharpened at 36 degrees to the state of shaving hair
Descents: Straight
Rise: 0.2 mm
Blade hardness: 65 HRC
Total length: 285 mm
Blade length: 145 mm
Blade width: 30 mm
Blade thickness: 4.5 mm
Handle length: 140 mm
Handle thickness: 20 mm
Material of the bolster (guard) and back: Bolster, back and blue spacer are made of timacus
Handle material: Stabilized mammoth tooth. Walrus tusk
Handle color: Brown-white
Handle impregnation: None
Lanyard hole: Yes
Lanyard - No
Scabbard: Italian genuine snake-like vegetable tanned leather, treated with a finish to protect against water and impregnated with protective solutions, sewn with waxed thread. Oak insert in the middle. Hand-stamped texture. Free suspension
Model: DREAM handmade knife by ANDROSHCHUK KNIVES, buy to order in Ukraine, steel - CPM® S125V™, 65 HRC
Model number: 070
Country of birth: Ukraine
Craftsman: Master Grigory Androshchuk (Androshchuk Knives), m.Vinnytsia, Ukraine Studio of exclusive handmade knives ANDROSHCHUK KNIVES
Best use: Multi-purpose: hunting, fishing, cutting, slicing, etc
Knife condition: new
The price is indicated with the sheath.
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Powdered steel Crucible CPM® S125V™
CPM® S125V™ is a high-alloy martensitic stainless tool steel manufactured by Crucible Industries (USA). The corrosion resistance of the alloy is comparable to ZDP-189, that is, it is quite high. Steel ZDP-189 contains 20% chromium versus 14% for CPM S125V. The amount of carbon is about the same. It would seem that 125ya should rust more, but in ZDP-189 much more chromium goes into carbides than in S125V, where vanadium also goes into carbides. As a result, the chromium content in the solid solution for both steels is not so different.
Recently, many knife manufacturers have abandoned the CPM S125V, primarily due to the complexity of the finish. Custom craftsman Phil Wilson (Phil Wilson) said that handmade satin S125V takes three times longer than for CPM 10V - one of the most difficult steels (more or less mass-produced).
The steel is made using the technology of amorphous metal alloys, better known among knife makers and hobbyists under the acronym CPM (Crucible Particle Metallurgy). The CPM process makes it possible to produce a very uniform, high quality steel that is characterized by superior stability, uniformity and toughness compared to steels from traditional heat production.
Powdered high speed steel was developed in Sweden in the late 60s of the last century. The powder metallurgy method makes it possible to introduce more alloying elements into the steel without reducing the strength and machinability.
Powder steel, unlike ordinary steel, is fed in molten form through a special nozzle through a stream of liquid nitrogen. Steel quickly hardens into small particles. The result is a powder with a uniform arrangement of carbides (the place of accumulation of carbides is the place where cracks originate). Carbides perform the same function in the composition of steel as cobblestones on the street: they (carbides) are harder than the steel surrounding them, and contribute to its increase in wear resistance.
The resulting powder is sieved and placed in a steel container in which a vacuum is created. Next, the contents of the container are sintered at high temperature and pressure - thus achieving material homogeneity. This process is called hot isostatic pressing. The steel is then pressure treated. The result is a high speed steel with very small carbide particles evenly distributed in the steel substrate. The resulting steel can be rolled in the traditional way, as well as serial grades of steel, resulting in its increased strength.
Differences in the wear resistance of different grades of powder steel are explained by the presence of different carbides in their composition in different proportions and with different distribution uniformity throughout the steel volume. Of two steels having approximately the same hardness, the more wear-resistant will be the one in which there are more carbides or they are harder.
Steel composition:
C 3.3% - the carbon content in the alloy is 3.3%. Carbon is the most important element in steel, it increases its strength and gives the metal good hardness.
Cr 14.0% - the chromium content in the alloy is 14.0%. Chromium is a greyish-white lustrous hard metal. Chromium affects the ability of steel to harden, gives the alloy anti-corrosion properties and increases its wear resistance. Contained in stainless steel of any brand.
Mo 2.5% - the molybdenum content in the alloy is 2.5%. Molybdenum is a silvery white metal. Molybdenum is a hard-melting element, it prevents brittleness and brittleness of the blade, giving it the necessary rigidity, making it sufficiently resistant to high temperatures.
V 12.0% - the content of vanadium in the alloy is 12.0%. Vanadium is a grayish-white lustrous metal with great hardness. It is responsible for elasticity and enhances the properties of chromium, makes the metal inert to aggressive chemical environments.

age of the material, according to scientists, is 10-40 thousand years. How mammoths lived has not been fully studied today. However, the remains of these giants found by scientists, their bones, teeth, even whole carcasses have allowed scientists to make serious progress in this field of research. The available data made it possible to find out what the mammals looked like, what they ate, what climatic conditions they lived in, what behavioral characteristics they had (for example, whether they led a herd or solitary existence).
The mammoth ate practically the same as a modern elephant: its diet consisted of plant food. In the world, the animal could feed on coniferous plants. They preferred rough food, which they easily chewed with their strong jaws and teeth, similar to large plates. An interesting feature of the mammoth's body was that as the old tooth wore out, a new one grew, displacing the old one and taking its place. Thus, the animal could change its teeth several times during its life. Absolutely all teeth changed in about a ten-year period, and the average life span of a mammoth was 40 years. In other words, one animal could survive an average of four complete changes of molars. It is because of this feature that people often find individual worn mammoth teeth but do not encounter other traces of it.
Its basis is dentin.
The dentin layer is covered with protective enamel.
It is worth noting that the mammoth had only 4 molars and 2 tusks, which protruded outward and served mainly for self-defense.
After special processing, the molar can be used to make various jewelry products. The density of the material is very high and resembles stone. In order to process such a product, the master needs to spend a lot of effort and time.
Vacuum processing.
Application of special dyes.
All cavities of the tooth are filled with a polymer substance, due to which the base acquires reliable protection from climatic influences. Such a product does not deform, cracks do not appear on it, it becomes able to withstand high temperatures. The appearance of the material also changes, becomes more attractive and unique.
Walrus tusk for a handmade knife handle
How much does a walrus tusk cost today?
What is the real price for a walrus tusk, the cost of which is often incomprehensible to the average person? How not to get into trouble when responding to ads with the headings "I will buy a walrus tusk" or "buy a walrus tusk", how to find out how much a walrus tusk actually costs? To get reliable answers to these questions, it is worth studying the current demand for such a rare item as a walrus tusk, the price of which is significantly determined not only by size, but also by other factors. Taking into account these recommendations, you can count on the most favorable offer that those wishing to buy a walrus tusk can give.
- It is worth knowing that the walrus tusk you would like to sell must have maximum integrity, then its value will meet your best expectations.
- When selling, focus on the current exchange rate, which significantly affects how much a walrus tusk will cost; its price is formed taking into account exchange rate fluctuations.
- The competence of experts who assess this issue is very important: not every ad for "I will buy a walrus tusk" is actually backed by professionals, so you need to be careful and cautious when choosing a buyer.
Products made from walrus tusks
Hunters of rarities seek to buy walrus tusk not only in its original form, souvenirs and products made from walrus tusk are no less popular and in demand, their cost can also reach a decent amount, especially if they are antiques. The natural attractiveness of tusks, the peculiarities of their color and structure, embodied in objects of art, create a special atmosphere of luxury in any room. This makes products made from tusks a unique, status gift, relevant at all times, capable of becoming a value that can even be passed down as an inheritance. The most common products are products made by the peoples of the North, reflecting their life and way of life:
- Knives with walrus tusk handles are very expensive and popular among collectors and hunters.
- group and individual animalistic images (bears, seals, deer);
- sculptures depicting a dog team;
- depictions of people in typical occupations, such as a hunter;
- images of deities.
The walrus is a very large animal with thick, wrinkled skin. Males have large skin growths on their neck and shoulders. The larger these growths, the more attractive they seem to females. The thickness of the skin reaches 10 cm, and the subcutaneous fat - 15 cm. Males are much larger than females - the weight of some individuals reaches 2 tons, but usually does not exceed 800 - 1500 kg. Females weigh an average of 500 - 800 kg. The length of adult walruses is 2-3.5 m.
Young walruses have dark brown skin with yellowish hairs. Adult animals "grow bald" over time, and their skin becomes lighter in color. Older individuals become almost pink by the end of their lives.
A distinctive feature of these pinnipeds is their huge tusks. Their length can reach 1 m. They help the animal move on slippery surfaces and break ice. Tusks are elongated upper canines directed downwards. In males, they are larger and are used for battles with other males during the mating season. Males with the largest tusks occupy a dominant position in the herd.
The muzzle is wide, with thick, stiff bristle-like antennae on the upper lip. The eyes are small. The ear holes are hidden under the skin and have no outlet. The tail is small. The front flippers are well developed, allowing walruses to move more or less normally on land, unlike many other pinnipeds, which are only able to crawl on land.
There are three populations of walruses with slight external differences - the Pacific, Atlantic, and Laptev Sea populations.
The Pacific population of walruses is the largest in both number and size of animals. It lives on the northern coast of Eastern Siberia, on Wrangel Island, in northern Alaska. In winter, herds of walruses move south to the Bering Sea, Kamchatka, and the southern coast of Alaska. The population is estimated to be 200,000 animals.
The Atlantic walrus is about a third smaller than its Pacific relatives. It lives in northern Canada, Greenland, and the western region of the Russian Arctic. It was almost completely exterminated by humans due to uncontrolled fishing. The population estimate is 15,000-20,000 individuals.
The Laptev population of walruses is the smallest, numbering about 5,000 individuals. It is isolated from other populations in the Laptev Sea and the Kara Sea.
Population status and attitude towards humans
In the 18th and 19th centuries, commercial fishing for the Atlantic walrus led to the almost complete extinction of this animal. Currently, hunting for it is prohibited everywhere, but some indigenous peoples of the north are allowed to harvest a small number of walruses, but only for their own consumption with a ban on selling meat, fat or bones of the animal. For a European, walrus meat dishes do not seem tasty, but cooked walrus tongue is considered a delicacy.
The Chukchi, Yupik peoples (Russian Far East) and Inuit (North America) consume walrus meat all winter, the flippers are preserved and stored until spring, the tusks and bones are used to make various tools, amulets and jewelry. The waterproof thick skin is used to finish houses and boats. Modern cheap building materials are available in the far north, and walruses no longer play such an important role in survival as they did 100 years ago, but they still remain in demand for many indigenous peoples, and walrus skin carving and beading is an important art form.
The size of walrus populations is difficult to determine. The animals' fertility and mortality rates are not fully understood. The difficult climatic conditions of the walrus environment also complicate the count. Currently, the Pacific walrus is classified as "threatened" by the Endangered Species Act. The Atlantic walrus and the Laptev population are listed in the Red Book and are classified as the second (declining) and third (rare) rarity groups, respectively.
The effects of global warming are another concern for zoologists. The volume and thickness of pack ice (at least 3 meters thick and older than 2 years) is constantly decreasing, which affects animal fertility and the disappearance of familiar habitats.
According to various estimates, the number of all walrus populations is 200-250 thousand.
Interesting facts about walruses
- During the last ice age, walruses were distributed up to 37 degrees north latitude. This is evidenced by the remains found, dated to be 28 thousand years old. near San Francisco in the USA. At the same latitude is the northern border of the African continent, Greece, Japan, Turkey.
- Despite their large size, walruses are sometimes attacked by killer whales.
- In strong currents, walruses use their tusks to cling to the edge of the ice, keeping themselves underwater. They also help the animals climb high ice. This use of their tusks gave the walrus its generic name, Odobenus rosmarus, which translates from Greek as "walking on teeth."
- The walrus' stomach is so large that the peoples of the north used it to make waterproof cloaks.
- In cold water, the animal's blood vessels shrink greatly, making the animal's skin almost white.
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