EXELSIOR S125V exclusive handmade knife by the master of the ANDROSHCHUK KNIVES studio, buy order in Ukraine (Steel - CPM® S125V™)
- Brand: Майстерня ножів ANDROSHCHUK KNIVES
- Product Code: EXELSIOR S125V - ніж ручної роботи ANDROSHCHUK KNIVES
Загальна довжина клинка mm: | 286±05 mm |
Матеріал леза | Blade - CPM® S125V™ - highly alloyed martensitic stainless tool steel, concern "Crucible Industries" (USA). Andriy Gavrik workshop with thermocycling |
Твердість клинка (метал): | Hardness - 65 HRC |
Матеріал руків'я: | Bolster radius and butt stainless steel with fireworks (sliced patterns), walrus tusk (middle of the tooth - pulp), core wood snakewood (snake wood, butt with loop for micarta |
Довжина леза | 153±05 mm |
- Availability: Під замовлення
The name of the knife - EXELSIOR S125V knife, handmade by the master of the ANDROSHCHUK KNIVES studio, buy and order in Ukraine
Knife type: Fixed blade
Brand: Studio of exclusive handmade knives ANDROSHCHUK KNIVES
We will make a knife to your order
Steel brand: Blade - CPM® S125V™ - highly alloyed martensitic stainless tool steel, "Crucible Industries" concern (USA). Andriy Gavrik's workshop with thermocycling
Steel sheet: One-piece, through-mounting on screed and resin
Blade Sharpening Angle: 36 Degree Pointed
Descents: Direct
Condensation: 0.9-0.11 mm
Blade hardness: 65 HRC
Overall length: 286mm
Blade length: 153 mm
Blade width: 31mm
Blade thickness: 3.7 mm
Length of the handle: 133 mm
Handle thickness: 20mm
Grinding of the blade: Finish - polished to a mirror
Material of the bolster (guard) and back: Radius, stainless steel with fireworks (threaded patterns), the fit in the bolster is perfect
Handle material: Bolster radius and butt stainless steel with fireworks (sliced patterns), walrus tusk (middle of the tooth - pulp), core wood snakewood (snake wood, butt with loop for micarta
Handle color: Brown-white
Handle Impregnation: Yes
Handle cover: Yes
Hole for a shoelace (for a lanyard): Yes
Temlyak - Absent
Scabbards: Italian genuine vegetable tanned snakeskin, finished with a water-proof finish and impregnated with protective solutions, stitched with waxed thread. In the middle is an oak insert. Manual embossing of the invoice. Free suspension
Model: EXELSIOR S125V - Studio of exclusive handmade knives ANDROSHCHUK KNIVES
Model number: 027
Country of birth: Ukraine
Craftsman: Master Grigory Androshchuk (Androshchuk Knives), m.Vinnytsia, Ukraine Studio of exclusive handmade knives ANDROSHCHUK KNIVES
Best use: Multi-purpose: hunting, fishing, cutting, slicing, etc
Knife condition: new
The price is indicated with the sheath.
A sharpened knife is not a cold weapon.
Cutting tools, saws, removable blades are made from this steel. Used in the production of medical instruments.
High anti-corrosion properties! The knives performed well in wet conditions.
Original design.
The handle is subjected to a special water-repellent treatment.
Availability changes regularly, upon confirmation of your order, we will inform you about the availability or when the product will be ready. The product may differ slightly from the one shown in the photo.
Powdered steel Crucible CPM® S125V™
CPM® S125V™ is a high-alloy martensitic stainless tool steel manufactured by Crucible Industries (USA). The corrosion resistance of the alloy is comparable to ZDP-189, that is, it is quite high. Steel ZDP-189 contains 20% chromium versus 14% for CPM S125V. The amount of carbon is about the same. It would seem that 125ya should rust more, but in ZDP-189 much more chromium goes into carbides than in S125V, where vanadium also goes into carbides. As a result, the chromium content in the solid solution for both steels is not so different.
Recently, many knife manufacturers have abandoned the CPM S125V, primarily due to the complexity of the finish. Custom craftsman Phil Wilson (Phil Wilson) said that handmade satin S125V takes three times longer than for CPM 10V - one of the most difficult steels (more or less mass-produced).
The steel is made using the technology of amorphous metal alloys, better known among knife makers and hobbyists under the acronym CPM (Crucible Particle Metallurgy). The CPM process makes it possible to produce a very uniform, high quality steel that is characterized by superior stability, uniformity and toughness compared to steels from traditional heat production.
Powdered high speed steel was developed in Sweden in the late 60s of the last century. The powder metallurgy method makes it possible to introduce more alloying elements into the steel without reducing the strength and machinability.
Powder steel, unlike ordinary steel, is fed in molten form through a special nozzle through a stream of liquid nitrogen. Steel quickly hardens into small particles. The result is a powder with a uniform arrangement of carbides (the place of accumulation of carbides is the place where cracks originate). Carbides perform the same function in the composition of steel as cobblestones on the street: they (carbides) are harder than the steel surrounding them, and contribute to its increase in wear resistance.
The resulting powder is sieved and placed in a steel container in which a vacuum is created. Next, the contents of the container are sintered at high temperature and pressure - thus achieving material homogeneity. This process is called hot isostatic pressing. The steel is then pressure treated. The result is a high speed steel with very small carbide particles evenly distributed in the steel substrate. The resulting steel can be rolled in the traditional way, as well as serial grades of steel, resulting in its increased strength.
Differences in the wear resistance of different grades of powder steel are explained by the presence of different carbides in their composition in different proportions and with different distribution uniformity throughout the steel volume. Of two steels having approximately the same hardness, the more wear-resistant will be the one in which there are more carbides or they are harder.
Steel composition:
C 3.3% - the carbon content in the alloy is 3.3%. Carbon is the most important element in steel, it increases its strength and gives the metal good hardness.
Cr 14.0% - the chromium content in the alloy is 14.0%. Chromium is a greyish-white lustrous hard metal. Chromium affects the ability of steel to harden, gives the alloy anti-corrosion properties and increases its wear resistance. Contained in stainless steel of any brand.
Mo 2.5% - the molybdenum content in the alloy is 2.5%. Molybdenum is a silvery white metal. Molybdenum is a hard-melting element, it prevents brittleness and brittleness of the blade, giving it the necessary rigidity, making it sufficiently resistant to high temperatures.
V 12.0% - the content of vanadium in the alloy is 12.0%. Vanadium is a grayish-white lustrous metal with great hardness. It is responsible for elasticity and enhances the properties of chromium, makes the metal inert to aggressive chemical environments.
Well, you can buy a knife made of Steel Crucible CPM® S125V™. Composition and properties. on our website knife.net.ua or by contacting us by phone +380961711010
It is worth remembering that when using a knife for its intended purpose and with careful handling, the knife will serve you for a very, very long time.
Snake tree (Latin Brosimum guianense) (English Letterwood, Snakewood)
We have already written about the lightest wood in the world - balsa. But since it is the easiest, it must be heavier. Yes, all that exists. This is a snake tree. Its wood has a very high density, and the tree is so heavy that it sinks in water like a stone.
It grows in the territories of Central and South America. These are countries such as Guyana, Suriname, Brazil, Bolivia and Trinidad. And in each of them, the snake tree is called differently: Cacique carey (Panama), Palo de oro (Venezuela), Burokoro, Tibicusi (Guyana), Letterhout (Suriname), Bois d'amourette (French Guiana), Gateado, Muirapenima ( Brazil).
Also, several species are distributed throughout the Amazon region of Brazil, slightly north of Guyana, in Venezuela, Colombia, the southern part of Mexico, Panama, and also on the islands of the Caribbean Sea.
Leaves and inflorescences of the snake tree
The species of this tree is very valuable, so its felling and export are fully controlled by the governments of these countries.
Snakewood is a low tree with a height of up to 2 meters and a diameter of about half a meter. It got its name because of the specific color of the wood - red-brown or fawn-pink with dark small spots of different shapes, reminiscent of a snake pattern or spots on a leopard's skin. They are formed by gum deposits that fill all cell voids.
The wood pattern of the snake tree
Due to such an unusual appearance and unique properties, the wood of the snake tree is used for processing expensive things. Cultivating it is extremely problematic, it is very difficult to cut. But this wood allows you to get a good polished surface.
The fruit of the snake tree
She also makes exclusive products - canes, different handles and handles of knives, bows, bows for shooting (but not for sports competitions), etc. All these things are unique, most often made to order and cost a lot of money.
- the rarest and most expensive type of wood. Snakewood owes its name "snake tree" to its characteristic pattern, which is very similar to snake skin. Snakewood grows in Australia, South and North America. The trees (Piratinera guianensis) reach a height of 20-25 meters and only 20-30 cm in diameter. The color of the snake tree is usually reddish-brown with a dark brown and black contrasting pattern, subsequently the pattern darkens and flattens to avoid such an effect, it is recommended to cover the finished product with varnishes with UV protection. In terms of its working characteristics, snakewood is quite demanding wood.
Snakewood density. 1,210 kg/m3, snakewood is a very hard species, comparable in density to buckout.
Snakewood processing.
Snake wood is difficult to handle by hand, prone to chipping and requires very sharp sharpening of the tool. It is necessary to pre-drill holes for nails and self-tapping screws. The wood is not resistant to changes in temperature and humidity, but after polishing it gives a beautiful smooth, shiny surface.
Examples of snakewood products. Manufacture of luxury products from snake wood.
According to individual orders, the production of exclusive products from any species of snakewood and other types of valuable types of wood and other luxury materials. Unique handles for knives, boxes, jewelry, furniture, interior items, parquet, computers, laptops, phones, smartphones, flash drives, gadgets, mice, keyboards, pens, pendants, rings, earrings, knives, razors, examples, canes, canes , glasses, toys Board games, folders, stamps, seals, table sets, key chains and any other accessories.
High-quality and original steel inserts are a wonderful decoration of exclusive and unique knives of the Studio of exclusive handmade knives ANDROSHCHUK KNIVES (Ukraine), which offers to order and buy online store https://knife.net.ua
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