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DRAGON'S EYE II knife handmade by studio master Pavlo Honcharenko, order to buy in Ukraine (Steel k110 Bohler)
DRAGON'S EYE II knife handmade by studio master Pavlo Honcharenko, order to buy in Ukraine (Steel k110 Bohler)
DRAGON'S EYE II knife handmade by studio master Pavlo Honcharenko, order to buy in Ukraine (Steel k110 Bohler)
DRAGON'S EYE II knife handmade by studio master Pavlo Honcharenko, order to buy in Ukraine (Steel k110 Bohler)
DRAGON'S EYE II knife handmade by studio master Pavlo Honcharenko, order to buy in Ukraine (Steel k110 Bohler)
DRAGON'S EYE II knife handmade by studio master Pavlo Honcharenko, order to buy in Ukraine (Steel k110 Bohler)
DRAGON'S EYE II knife handmade by studio master Pavlo Honcharenko, order to buy in Ukraine (Steel k110 Bohler)
DRAGON'S EYE II knife handmade by studio master Pavlo Honcharenko, order to buy in Ukraine (Steel k110 Bohler)
DRAGON'S EYE II knife handmade by studio master Pavlo Honcharenko, order to buy in Ukraine (Steel k110 Bohler)
DRAGON'S EYE II knife handmade by studio master Pavlo Honcharenko, order to buy in Ukraine (Steel k110 Bohler)

DRAGON'S EYE II knife handmade by studio master Pavlo Honcharenko, order to buy in Ukraine (Steel k110 Bohler)

Загальна довжина клинка mm: 268±05 мм
Матеріал леза Blade - Austrian high-carbon steel k110 Bohler
Твердість клинка (метал): Загартованість - 61 HRC
Матеріал руків'я: Bolster - bronze, ironwood, natural stained oak, mosaic foam and tube. Strap made of leather cord 3 mm
Довжина леза 138±05 мм
  • Availability: Під замовлення
12,000.00 грн.
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The name of the knife - EXELSIOR S125V knife, handmade by the master of the ANDROSHCHUK KNIVES studio, buy and order in Ukraine
Knife type: Fixed blade
Brand: Studio of exclusive handmade knives Pavlo Honcharenko 

We will make a knife to your order

Steel brand: Blade - Austrian high-carbon steel k110 Bohler
Steel sheet: One-piece cast, through-mounting on screed and resin
Blade sharpening angle: Sharpened at 34-35 degrees
Descents: Straight
Reduction: 0.1- 0.2 mm
Blade hardness: 61 HRC
Overall length: 268mm
Blade length: 138 mm
Blade width: 30mm
Blade thickness: 4.0 mm
Handle length: 130 mm
Handle thickness: 24mm
Grinding of the blade: Finish - stonewash
Bolster and back material: made of bronze
Handle material: Bolster - bronze, ironwood, natural stained oak, mosaic foam and tube. Strap made of leather cord 3 mm
Handle Color: Brown-Black
Handle Impregnation: Yes
Handle Cover: Yes
Lace hole (for lanyard): Yes
Temlyak - Yes
Scabbards: Walnut toned, wood carving, Cheprak calfskin (Italy), hand stitched with waxed thread, vegetable tanned leather, treated with water repellent finish and impregnated with protective solutions, stitched with waxed thread. In the middle is a walnut insert. Manual embossing of the invoice. Free suspension

II knife handmade by studio master Pavlo Honcharenko, order to buy in Ukraine (Steel k110 Bohler)
Model number: 053
Country of birth: Ukraine
Craftsman: Master Pavlo Honcharenko, Ivankiv, Ukraine (Studio of exclusive handmade knives Pavlo Honcharenko )
Best use: Hunting, cutting, cutting
Knife condition: new
The price is indicated together with the scabbard.

A sharpened knife is not a cold weapon.

Cutting tools, saws, removable blades are made from this steel. Used in the production of medical instruments.
High anti-corrosion properties! The knives performed well in wet conditions.

Original design.

The handle is subjected to a special water-repellent treatment.

Availability changes regularly, upon confirmation of your order, we will inform you about the availability or when the product will be ready. The product may differ slightly from the one shown in the photo.

K110 steel for knives - features, pros and cons

At the moment, there are many possible materials for the production of knives. Depending on the purpose of production, different materials are used. Moreover, the content of the main substances of different grades of steel can differ significantly. The most typical grades of steel are high-carbon types of steel. Among them, you can find many types of materials that differ among themselves in the number of additional elements. One of the best grades of steel for hunting knives is K1100 from the Austrian company Böhler.

Composition and features
Böhler K110 steel is a high-carbon composition with a high chromium content. The metal is stamped by the method of cold stamping. Metal is produced by one of the largest metallurgical concerns in the world. Factories are located in Europe, North and South America.

In the production of K110, the technology of electroslag remelting is used. Due to this, the quality of the material increases significantly. Due to the presence of various undesirable impurities, serious defects may appear during mechanical forging. To avoid this, the method of electroslag remelting is used. During electroslag remelting, before the start of hardening, the melt is passed through a layer of special slag, which removes foreign elements from the molten metal, such as phosphorus, sulfur, and much more.

The method of electroslag remelting provides the final result with low levels of segregation, purity and homogeneity of the structure. In Böhler K110, the percentage of harmful impurities is significantly reduced and the compounds of metals and non-metals with carbon are evenly distributed.

Therefore, such a metal has a complex composition and is able to withstand even very thin corners during forging. One of the main advantages is extremely high strength and viscosity. It is preferable to harden such material in the air. If necessary, the nitriding method is used. Böhler K100 is used for forging knife products of the medium and high price segment.
Metal composition:

It contains 1.5% carbon, which provides higher strength and hardness.
Chromium content is 12%. This metal provides an increased ability of steel to be hardened, resistance to rusting and wear.
Molybdenum 0.8% is used for the production of high-speed steel. It significantly increases the rigidity of the blade, makes it resistant to high temperatures.
The percentage share of vanadium is 1%. This chemical element has high strength. Strengthens the elasticity characteristics of the material and makes it resistant to various aggressive environments.
Manganese - 0.35%. Manganese is used during smelting. It significantly increases the hardness of the material. A characteristic feature of manganese is that various objects requiring high strength are made from steel with a high content of the chemical element. For example, safes, rails and much more.
Böhler K110

Main advantages
Any steel is an alloy of iron and carbon, but their ratio in the substance will directly affect the characteristics of the finished product. This type of material is produced by electroslag remelting. And due to the high content of impurities, the increased strength of the material is formed.

The main advantages of K110 steel from Böhler include:

  • The main requirement that applies to all knives is sharpening. However, the sharper you sharpen the knife, the faster it will dull. However, this rule does not apply to K110 knives. Due to the high concentration of chromium in this steel, the resistance to wear is significantly increased. Therefore, the cutting edge will always be sharp. However, the use of such impurities reduces corrosion resistance. Although the knife will not rust very quickly.
  • The presence of a high percentage of molybdenum in the composition provides the material with the uniformity and homogeneity of steel. This is very important for a knife. A small amount of vanadium increases the strength and durability of the material, and manganese in contact with chromium significantly increases strength.
  • After a lot of tests, it was found that even after a lot of processing bones and opening cans, practically no serrations appear on the blade. The blade continues to be able to cut the newspaper under its own weight.
  • Due to the combination of various impurities in the composition of the substance and the method of manufacturing steel, knives made of this material are distinguished by an extremely long service life.
  • Increased resistance of the blade to various aggressive environments, which include some internal organs of animals. Therefore, the knife will not darken and rust for a long time.


The main disadvantages
The disadvantages include:

  • It does not have high breaking strength. Therefore, it is undesirable to throw products, check for the ability to bend.
  • Blades from this material are usually made with a small size and a narrow focus. These are hunting knives specially prepared for processing carcasses. They are usually used by the inhabitants of Siberia and the North. However, the sword will be able to show its excellent properties only with competent preparation and sharpening. Otherwise, it is very easy to spoil the cutting edge. However, if such care is provided, knives made of K110 will be equal in characteristics to blades made of higher quality steel.

K110 from Böhler  from the Austrian manufacturer is one of the highest quality products for forging knives. Despite the demanding care of the blade and the mandatory condition to dry thoroughly after contact with water, a knife made of such metal will serve for a very long time in the right hands. Therefore, it is definitely worth buying K110 knives and tools from the Austrian manufacturer. They can last a long time.

Well,  you can buy a Damascus steel knife on the  portal  https://knife.net.ua/  on our website or by contacting us by phone +380961711010.

Happy shopping! We will be glad to see you among our customers!

The crown and crown of an oak tree

Kap and souvel are growths on the trunks of trees in the form of characteristic rounded swellings. Getting such a blank is a dream for everyone who works with wood, and here's why. The fibers in such growths have a special deformed structure: their tortuous and disordered growth creates a unique texture called swill. But this is not the flexibility characteristic of, for example, maple. It is very tangled in growth and has a number of features, thanks to which an incomparable wooden texture is obtained. With its pattern and characteristic ebb, it resembles marble, mother-of-pearl or moire pattern. Such material is a real treasure for everyone who works with wood.
Cap and souvel are similar in nature, but they are not the same. They differ in structure, textured pattern, features of formation and a number of other points that we have collected in this table.


People call the cap a "witch's broom". It really has something repulsive, but only if you don't know what miracle nature has hidden under a thick layer of bark.

Чем отличается кап от сувеля

What does Capt

Location on the tree
Unlike the souvel, mouthparts are rare. They usually appear on the trunks of trees or in the basal part. They are much less often formed on branches. Basal growths (caproot) have a flattened shape, while trunk or bud growths are more like a ball, often asymmetrical in appearance. As a rule, mouthpieces are located on one side of the trunk as a characteristic influx; growths that cover the tree all the way around are less common. There are both single specimens and whole cap colonies covering the trunk of the tree in small groups.

Formation and structure
The fundamental difference between a cap and a souvel is in structure. If you look at the cap in section, it will be filled with small wooden knots - these are the so-called kidneys. Whereas souvel is simply deformed and chaotically intertwined annual rings. Thus, the cap growth represents a kind of reserve bundle of kidneys that have not opened, created by nature as a reserve. Why? Dendrologists do not agree on this.

Ручки для ножей из капа

Under a thick layer of bark, cap and souvel practically do not differ from each other. The only thing that can give off a cap is small green twigs growing on its surface. This is a part of the same sleeping kidneys that have only been activated for some reason. Without the bark, the difference between cap and souvel becomes obvious. The surface of the cap is covered with cone-shaped convexities, while the souvel is completely smooth.

The sizes of drops vary greatly: from growths of walnuts to truly gigantic formations. The largest of the documented kapa on the territory of the former USSR was found on the bank of a flat-leaved tree that grew on Sakhalin. Its height was 1.4 m, and the length of the circle was 10.8 m. The size of the tips depend on the location on the trunk and the type of tree. The largest are traditionally considered the basal kapa, but their extraction turns into a difficult task and is impossible without cutting down the tree. Large mouths, weighing 300 kg or more, can often be found on walnut, downy river, Mongolian oak. They grow 3-4 times slower than the souvel and are very rare.

Kapova wood has a characteristic texture, thanks to which it is quite easy to distinguish it from suvel. On the cut, the dormant buds seem to be wrapped in numerous layers of wood fibers. Such nodules are somewhat similar to the "bird's eye" texture, but they are not so evenly distributed in the cap. Here everything is chaotic: the kidneys merge with each other, penetrate into each other, are absent in some areas, and in others they accumulate very densely. All this creates complex lacy abstractions that somehow resemble a malachite pattern.

Древесина птичий глаз и кап

Bird's eye (maple sapwood) and cap texture

The more dormant buds, the more complex and rich the pattern of the wood. In large kapa there are fewer kidneys, so their texture is closer to suvels.

The biological role of mouth sores
Both mouth sores and souvel are often called a disease. Such a position is not completely scientific, but it cannot be called unequivocally wrong either, at least because the biological role of growths is still not understood. There are different hypotheses about this. For example, the cap is considered as a reserve supply of kidneys from which the tree can regenerate, for example, in case of drought or partial loss of the crown. There is also an opinion that the growths increase the mechanical strength of the trunk, protect it from damage or prevent disease-causing agents from getting inside. There are many assumptions, and all of them are convincing to varying degrees. However, most dendrologists agree that the ability of trees to form crowns has no clear function — it is a kind of side effect of evolution that was once more important than it is now.

Suvel is growths without dormant buds. Sometimes such formations are called "suvelval" or simply "svil". Unlike the kapa, the structure of the souvel has no wooden knots, and all the beauty of the texture here is created by chaotically intertwined vessels. From such deformed fibers, an influx in the form of a ball or a drop is formed on the barrel. It grows three to four times faster than kapa and is found on trees much more often.

What does the souvel look like?

It is quite easy to distinguish a souvel from a cap. Neither small twigs nor buds break through it. Under a strong layer of bark, the surface is completely smooth, without conical bulges, as in a cap. All the beauty of the texture here is formed by the chaotic release of interwoven fibers. It does not just go in light waves, as in some species of trees, but is lost in dense folds, bundles, bundles. All the beauty of the pattern is enhanced by a special ebb that resembles marble, mother-of-pearl or a moiré pattern. There are no such pronounced overflows in the cap.

Suvel changes its appearance more strongly after decoration. For example, with deep impregnation with colorless oils and careful polishing, wood acquires a special "bone" texture. Because of this, souvel is sometimes even called a wooden bone. In some rocks, after processing, the veins are literally visible through the structure of the material. This effect is highly appreciated by knife makers: most often they make knife handles from birch, walnut, and ash sapwood.

Ручки для ножей из сувеля

The density of the souvel is lower than that of the cap. In this, it significantly exceeds the hardness of the trunk wood. Processing birch sapwood and other species requires certain skills, because, like sapwood, it is not the most pliable material. But despite all the difficulties, working with him is an incomparable pleasure. Souvel is always a mystery: it is impossible to predict that some amazing beauty of the drawing will be revealed after the next pass of the cutter.

Ironwood - iron wood - handmade knives


залізне дерево

In nature, ironwood is extremely rare, therefore it occupies an honorable place in the Red Book. However, in terms of its properties, each iron tree is not inferior to the density of cast iron. Its bark can withstand gunfire, but it sinks hopelessly in water. It is worth noting that this is not a separate class of trees, but a whole group assembled from different species. It includes several dozen species of plants with unusually dense wood. They can be found on every continent. Moreover, raw materials are used both in the industrial industry and in medical practice.

виріб із залізного дерева

What is special about these trees?

підлога з залізного дерева

With the naked eye, it is quite difficult to recognize the "stone" breed of a perennial plant. Especially if they are on the verge of extinction. However, they are characterized by the following features:

  • the age of such long-lived people is not less than 2 hundred years;
  • wood fiber is resistant to corrosion processes and does not deteriorate under the influence of strong acids;
  • the bark contains many tannins that protect their "hosts" from all kinds of parasites, as well as from the rot fungus;
  • the log will definitely go under water, since the density of wood is 1 t / m³, taking into account the humidity of 12%, for this reason, such breeds grow quite slowly;
  • the height of each exceeds 25 meters, and the girth of the trunk reaches more than 200 cm.

величезний стовбур

All these properties are necessary for an iron tree to survive in the harshest climatic conditions. Sharp temperature changes in Russia, African drought or humid European climate will not be able to harm this natural phenomenon. Such varieties of trees perfectly adapt to any adverse environment. For this, they are equipped with a considerable number of devices, starting from the unique structure of the trunk / roots and ending with the chemical composition of the bark. In this regard, they are widely used in production:

  • furniture;
  • building structures;
  • cars;
  • cosmetics;
  • decorative elements;
  • underwater equipment.

стілець з залізного дерева

  • рукоятка


High-quality and original steel inserts are a wonderful decoration of exclusive and unique knives of the Studio of  exclusive handmade knives of Pavlo Honcharenko  (Ukraine), which offers to order and buy online store https://knife.net.ua

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