ZEMLETRUS exclusive handmade knife by the master of the Fomenko Knifes studio, buy and order in Ukraine (Steel - N690™ 60-61 HRC)
- Brand: Майстерня ножів ручної роботи FOMENKO KNIFES
- Product Code: ГРАНЬ IІ - ніж ручної роботи Fomenko Knifes
Загальна довжина клинка mm: | 270±05 mm |
Матеріал леза | Blade - N690 steel - alloyed stainless steel from the Swedish-Austrian concern Bohler-Uddeholm. TO Rostyslav Dozlo |
Твердість клинка (метал): | Hardness - 60-61 HRC |
Матеріал руків'я: | Bolster - stainless steel, Ironwood (Iron Tree) stabilized. mammoth tusk, lanyard pin, cord |
Довжина леза | 140±05 mm |
- Availability: In Stock
Available Options
The name of the knife: GRAND III knife handmade by the master of the Fomenko Knifes studio, buy to order in Ukraine, Steel - N690, 60-61 HRC
Knife type: Fixed blade
Brand: Handmade knife workshop FOMENKO KNIFES
Steel grade: Blade - Steel grade N690 - alloyed stainless steel from the Swedish-Austrian concern Bohler-Uddeholm. TO Rostyslav Dozlo
Steel sheet: One-piece, through-the-hole mounting on a screed and resin
Blade sharpening angle: Sharpened at 34-35 degrees
Bevels: Straight
Ridges: 0.1- 0.2 mm
Blade hardness: 60-61 HRC
Total length: 270 mm
Blade length: 140 mm
Blade width: 30 mm
Blade thickness: 4.2 mm
Handle length: 130 mm
Handle thickness: 24 mm
Material of bolster (guard) and back: Made of stainless steel
Handle material: Bolster - stainless steel, Ironwood (Ironwood) stabilized. mammoth tusk, lanyard foam, cord.
Handle color: Brown
Handle impregnation: Yes
Handle coating: Yes
Lanyard hole (for lanyard): Yes
Lanyard - Yes
Scabbard: Italian calfskin vegetable tanned strop, hand-stitched with waxed thread, treated with a finish to protect against water, impregnated with protective solutions, stitched with waxed thread. Detachable, free suspension. Hand-embossed texture
Model: GRAND III knife handmade by the master of the Fomenko Knifes studio, buy to order in Ukraine, Steel - N690, 60-61 HRC
Model number: 074
Country of birth: Ukraine
Master : Oleksandr Fomenko (Fomenko Knifes), Chuhuyiv , Ukraine Handmade knife workshop FOMENKO KNIFES
Best use: Multifunctional: hunting, fishing, dividing the carcass, slicing, etc.
Knife condition: New
The price is indicated with a scabbard.
A sharpened knife is not a cold weapon.
Our knives are very sharp, so be very careful when opening and handling them. We are not responsible for any injuries related to the use of our knives.
Our products are intended for legal use only by responsible buyers. We will not sell our products to anyone under the age of 18.
Availability changes regularly, after confirming your order we will notify you of availability or when the item is ready. The product may differ slightly from the one shown in the photo.
Steel N690: composition, interpretation and application
Features of steel N690
Martensitic alloy steel N690 is produced by the Vohleg-Uddeholm Gmbh&C corporation, which has its enterprises in Austria, Germany, South and North America. Another name for the alloy is Austrian cobalt stainless steel. Due to its high quality and operational characteristics and advantages, it is successfully implemented in many countries of the world for the manufacture of knives and other purposes.
Steel is produced by electroslag smelting technology. It has a uniformly distributed carbide structure of the crystal lattice in the absence of harmful impurities. As a result of heat treatment and forging, the impact toughness of the material increases without loss of hardness. The presence of alloying additives in the chemical composition of steel ensures resistance to corrosion.
Field of application
Steel is recognized as a good material for serial production of long-range and tactical knives, the technical characteristics of which allow operation in difficult and extreme conditions. Blades made of N690 steel are able to withstand not only longitudinal, but also strong lateral loads when acting on bends and twists.
Due to its resistance to corrosion and aggressive environments, steel is used in the manufacture of diving knives, harpoons for spearfishing and other sports equipment.
This steel is used in the manufacture of knives by such well-known European brands as Vokeg, Spyderco, Vepshmade and Echthema Ratio. Manufactured blades have excellent cutting properties, are strong, durable, sharpen well and hold an edge. The presence of alloying elements in the composition ensured high corrosion resistance while maintaining plasticity. If necessary, there is a possibility of thermal hardening up to 60 NKR.
The technical and physical characteristics of the alloy allow it to be used in mechanical engineering for the manufacture of tools, milling cutters, drills, parts of bearings and relevant components operating under high mechanical loads. The steel is highly wear resistant and can be heat treated.
Resistance to the effects of moisture and chemicals allows the use of steel in the food and pharmaceutical industry for the manufacture of cutting tools and grinders. At the same time, the ecological purity of the material and the complete absence of impurities are taken into account.
According to its composition, steel N690 is a close analogue of Russian steel 95X18, German X102SgMo17, Japanese / (3-10 and A115-10, French 2100СО17, American 440 С. In Sweden, an analogue of Sandvic 12С27 is produced.
Steel N690 contains:
■ 1.08% carbon (C), which gives the material hardness and increases strength;
■ 17.3% chromium (Cg) to obtain anti-corrosion properties, increase wear resistance and change hardening conditions;
■ 1.1% molybdenum (Mo) to reduce brittleness, increase plasticity and resistance to high temperatures;
■ 0.1% vanadium (V) to increase metal elasticity and inertness to aggressive media;
■ 1.5% cobalt (C) increases heat resistance and improves mechanical properties;
■ 0.4% manganese (Mp) increases hardness;
■ 0.4% silicon (5|) to improve alloy stability and increase wear resistance.
The presence of cobalt in the chemical composition of the metal makes the crystal structure of N690 more uniform and resistant to mechanical loads.
The use of Austrian N690 steel allows for the production of high-quality stainless knives for various purposes. Due to its physical and technical properties, the material is well processed, capable of heat treatment, is not prone to corrosion and is sold at an affordable price.
5*ee1 N690 is one of the best alloys for making beautiful wear-resistant blades. Simple sharpening and long-term preservation of the sharpness of the edge make use simple and convenient. You will never regret buying or making a knife from this steel.
Types of deliveries
The high quality of Wohler N690 steel is ensured by the use of a unique rolling technology developed by the manufacturer. Metal sheets are subjected to repeated hot processing with rolling in the longitudinal and transverse directions. After that, the material is cold cut into strips.
N690 steel is supplied to the rolled metal market in the form of steel strips 3-5 mm thick, 20-50 mm wide and 250 to 1000 mm long, especially for the manufacture of knives. The cross-section of the strips is rectangular or with a prepared longitudinal bevel, which eliminates the need for blacksmithing when making the blade. The steel may or may not have previous heat treatment.
All of this is very convenient, as it does not require operations to cut large sheets, which allows you to accurately determine the amount of necessary material and reduces the amount of waste.
Strips are sold individually. The price depends on the geometric dimensions of the product, thicknesses and types of preliminary factory processing. For the products of the metalworking industry, we supply a sheet 2-8 mm thick, the size stated in the contract. If necessary, you can order any analogue of steels of type N690. Sheet metal is sold by weight.
Ironwood Tree: Facts, Leaves, Flowers, Bark (Pictures) – Identification and Care
Ironwood - Ironwood - Ironwood ( Ostrya virginiana ) is a small deciduous understory tree. It is recognized by its birch-like leaves, light brown hairy bark, and yellowish-green inflorescences. Ironwood trees are attractive in the landscape with their pyramidal, rounded crown and ability to grow almost anywhere. As an understory tree, ironwood does well in deep shade conditions, and it also grows equally well in full sun.
The ironwood, also called the American hornbeam , is known for its incredibly strong, durable wood, which is a result of its slow growth. The attractive, frost-hardy tree grows well on slopes as well as rocky woodlands, compacted clay soil, and is relatively drought-resistant.
This article is a complete guide to identifying ironwood. Descriptions and pictures of ironwood leaves, bark, flowers, and fruit will help you identify it in your landscape. If you decide this tree is perfect for your garden landscape, there is a handy care guide at the end of the article.
Ironwood ( Ostrya virginiana ) Facts
American hornbeam (Ostrya virginiana)
Ironwood is classified as a small to medium-sized ornamental tree belonging to the genus Ostrea of the birch family Betulaceae . Ironwood grows 20 to 40 feet (6–12 m) tall and up to 30 feet (9 m) wide. It has a trunk diameter of up to 10 inches (25 cm), covered with flaky, shaggy bark.
Ironwood trees grow slowly, averaging about 12 inches (30 cm) or less per year. It will take 15 years to grow 10 to 15 feet (3 to 4.5 m) tall. Young ironwoods have a typical pyramidal shape that gradually becomes more oval and rounded as they mature.
Ironwood trees thrive in USDA zones 3 through 9. This hardy tree does well in a variety of growing conditions, from deep shade to full sun. As long as the soil is well-drained and not prone to flooding, ironwood grows well in most soils.
An attractive feature of ironwood trees is their horizontal, drooping branches covered with toothed, ovate leaves. Immature trees have somewhat fuzzy branches that become smoother and grayer as the tree matures.
The slow growth of ironwood is why the wood is so strong. Ironwood has one of the hardest woods of all native North American trees. It is harder than maple , white oak, hickory, elm, and birch . Because of this, the wood is used to make tool handles, fence posts, and mallets.
Other common names for ironwood refer to the tree's strength or growth characteristics. For example, the names American hops and woolly hornbeam refer to the hop-like fruits that the tree produces after flowering. It is also sometimes called leverwood or hardhack.
As a member of the birch family Betulaceae , ironwood shares characteristics with birch and elm . Its leaves are lance-shaped with serrated edges, like those of birch. In addition, its spreading pyramidal or oval shape gives it the appearance of an elm. However, ironwood trees are much smaller than elm and birch.
Mammoth tusk for handmade knife handle
Mammoth tusk is a rare raw material used to make decorative items, such as knife handles, gun grips, and jewelry. It is a unique natural element that is rarely found, so its value is quite high.
Today, mammoth tooth, after certain processing (stabilization), is widely used by master knifemakers. Stabilization is the process of polymerizing the material under vacuum with or without the use of fat-soluble dyes, while the material is impregnated with polymeric substances throughout.
Mammoth tooth is a manufactured material of animal origin. Its exceptional feature is the fact that its source is extinct animals - mammoths. Paleontologists have established that they lived on Earth about 10 thousand years ago, and their number was very large. The teeth of mammoths were not permanent and changed about four times during their lives. The fallen teeth, which modern scientists find during excavations, become the basis for decorative elements, including knife handles.
Due to the long stay in the soil, the material acquired a very unstable structure - the enamel became rock hard, and the dentin, on the contrary, became loose. But modern technologies for stabilizing materials have helped turn mammoth teeth into an excellent basis for creating luxurious knife handles. The polymer composite provides the products with resistance to corrosion and moisture, and the natural base gives a unique texture and intricate pattern.
Material features
Mammoth molars are used to create various products. Outwardly, they resemble elephant teeth, but they have a much different shade. Given the historical value and rarity, mammoth tusk is especially highly valued, since this animal became extinct long before our era. Tusks of prehistoric giants can be found not only in paleontological museums, but also on the shelves of jewelry stores, they are used to decorate the interior, used to create various decorative elements - of course, not in their original form, but in processed form. The
age of the material, according to scientists, is 10-40 thousand years. How mammoths lived has not been fully studied today. However, the remains of these giants found by scientists, their bones, teeth, even whole carcasses have allowed scientists to make serious progress in this field of research. The available data made it possible to find out what the mammals looked like, what they ate, what climatic conditions they lived in, what behavioral characteristics they had (for example, whether they led a herd or solitary existence).
The mammoth ate practically the same as a modern elephant: its diet consisted of plant food. In the world, the animal could feed on coniferous plants. They preferred rough food, which they easily chewed with their strong jaws and teeth, similar to large plates. An interesting feature of the mammoth's body was that as the old tooth wore out, a new one grew, displacing the old one and taking its place. Thus, the animal could change its teeth several times during its life. Absolutely all teeth changed in about a ten-year period, and the average life span of a mammoth was 40 years. In other words, one animal could survive an average of four complete changes of molars. It is because of this feature that people often find individual worn mammoth teeth but do not encounter other traces of it.
If you look at a mammoth tooth, you can see a heterogeneous surface with ribbed edges. Bone, enamel and soft tissue in this case alternate. The material has a rather complex structure:
Its basis is dentin.
The dentin layer is covered with protective enamel.
It is worth noting that the mammoth had only 4 molars and 2 tusks, which protruded outward and served mainly for self-defense.
After special processing, the molar can be used to make various jewelry products. The density of the material is very high and resembles stone. In order to process such a product, the master needs to spend a lot of effort and time.
Raw material stabilization
To prevent the tooth and tusk from collapsing during use and manufacturing of products from it, stabilization technology is used. This is a crucial stage of processing, in which the following technologies are used:
Vacuum processing.
Application of special dyes.
All cavities of the tooth are filled with a polymer substance, due to which the base acquires reliable protection from climatic influences. Such a product does not deform, cracks do not appear on it, it becomes able to withstand high temperatures. The appearance of the material also changes, becomes more attractive and unique.
Before the advent of this technology, mammoth teeth and bones were rarely used for making souvenirs, because they did not have sufficient strength due to the large number of cracks and delaminations inside. In addition, tooth enamel has high hardness, which quickly leads to the unusability of the saw when processed. A stabilized product is much easier to further process. Mammoth tooth has become especially popular in the manufacture of knife handles. It looks unusual, attractive, and if you add dye, you can create a unique pattern that can give even such a rare thing a special individuality.
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