MESSER knife handmade by master SERGEY DROZDA, buy order in Ukraine, steel - M390 62 HRC
- Brand: Майстерня ножів ручної роботи СЕРГІЯ ДРОЗДА
- Product Code: МЕССЕР - ніж ручної роботи СЕРГІЯ ДРОЗДА
Загальна довжина клинка mm: | 260±05 mm |
Матеріал леза | Blade steel - M390 thermocycling treatment (TCO) Powder steel BOHLER MICROCLEAN is produced at the enterprises of Austria by Bohler-Uddeholm AG |
Твердість клинка (метал): | Hardness - 62 HRC |
Матеріал руків'я: | Stainless steel AiSi-304, Arizona Ironwood, spacers - buffalo horn, stabilized mammoth tusk |
Довжина леза | 132±05 mm |
- Availability: Під замовлення
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Knife: MESSER knife handmade by master SERGEY DROZDA, buy order in Ukraine, steel - M390 62 HRC
Type of knife: Fixed blade
Brand: Workshop of handmade knives SERGIY DROZDA
Blade sharpening angle: 36 degree sharpened
Collapse: 0.3 mm
Blade hardness: 62 HRC
Overall length: 260 mm
Blade length: 132 mm
Blade width: 33 mm
Blade thickness: 3.8 mm
Handle length: 128 mm
Handle thickness: 24 mm
Bolster and back material: AiSi-304 stainless steel
Handle material: AiSi-304 stainless steel, Arizona Ironwood , spacers - buffalo horn, stabilized mammoth tusk
Handle impregnation: Yes
Handle coating: Yes
Lanyard hole: Yes
Lanyard: Yes
Scabbard: Genuine leather (Italy) vegetable tanned 3.5 mm, treated with finishing to protect against water and impregnated with protective solutions, wax impregnation, sewn with waxed thread. Hand-embossed texture. Finishing with finishing. Free suspension
Country of birth: Ukraine
Craftsman: Master Serhiy Drozd, knife studio "SERGIYA DROZDA", Khmelnytskyi , Ukraine . Workshop of handmade knives SERGIY DROZDA
Best use: Multifunctional: hunting, fishing, tourism, household - slicing, etc.
The condition of the knife: New.
The price is indicated with the scabbard.
A sharpened knife is not a cold weapon.
Our knives are very sharp, so be very careful when opening and handling them. We are not responsible for any injuries related to the use of our knives.
Our products are intended for legal use only by responsible buyers. We will not sell our products to anyone under the age of 18.
Availability changes regularly, after confirming your order we will notify you of availability or when the item is ready. The product may differ slightly from the one shown in the photo.
Steel M390: composition, decoding and application
Damascus steel has long held a leading position in terms of strength, reliability and durability. Modern technologies have allowed us to obtain a new type of material with the best performance - M390 steel. It was first introduced in Austria by Bohler-Uddeholm AG in the early 1990s.
Due to its high technological characteristics, the material quickly gained recognition and began to be used for the manufacture of knives. Its main properties include:
- Hardness (60-62 HRC) is due to the unique structure of the crystal lattice with a solid structure. This result was obtained on the basis of careful adjustment of the composition and ratio of components. Steel grade M390 is subjected to hardening, which significantly increases its strength.
- The use of vanadium and tungsten. Sharpening knives is carried out using tabletop units, since the use of a water stone will significantly complicate the process. After such processing, the knife remains sharp for a long time.
- The possibility of mirror polishing due to the high hardness of the metal. The smooth polished surface of M390 steel is characterized by the same reflective ability as a mirror.
Decoding and chemical composition
Today, the composition is widely used for the manufacture of cutting tools, including knives. It refers to materials of the powder production method, during its processing, the raw material is crushed and baked in molds at a temperature of up to 1500 degrees. This allows the use of a significant part of the alloying elements, which improves the characteristics of M390 steel.
The development of the metal was carried out on the basis of EU standards, according to which the chemical composition of M390 steel, in addition to iron, includes:
- Carbon in the amount of 1.85±0.05%. It is necessarily present in the metal of high hardness, binding the molecules of Ferrum (Fe) increasing mechanical properties. On the other hand, its presence worsens the processability of processing and increases brittleness. However, steel is considered the optimal material in the ratio of brittleness to strength.
- Chromium is contained in steel in an amount of 20±1%. It is intended to improve mechanical performance and corrosion resistance as a result of heat treatment. Increasing the concentration of this chemical element in steel grade M390 guarantees an extension of the period of trouble-free operation under cyclic loading and abrasive action.
- Silicon and manganese are contained in the metal in the amount of 0.7±0.1% and 0.25±0.05%, respectively. They are deoxidizers that prevent chemical elements from the air from entering the alloy during manufacturing. Due to them, chemical leaching is reduced, strength and surface quality are increased.
- Molybdenum and vanadium are contained in amounts of 1% and 3-4%, respectively. They are characterized by a high melting point, which increases the material's resistance to elevated temperatures, hardness, and improves technical properties.
- Tungsten in steel in an amount of 0.6±0.1%. It increases its strength and has the maximum effect on this indicator compared to other components.
Material features
The advantages of the alloy include:
- excellent plasticity with significant hardness;
- corrosion resistance, inability to oxidize in air and at t = 800 degrees;
- lack of reaction to the effects of many acidic and alkaline substances;
- preliminary heat treatment, which includes hardening and high tempering;
- strength that ensures failure under significant load, which is 1.4 times higher than the similar indicator of high-speed steels. The difference between the yield strength and tensile strength is practically absent;
- Knives made from M390 stay sharp for a long time.
The only disadvantages are the cost of the material and the difficulty of sharpening and grinding.
Knife from M390
Technical characteristics
M390 steel is characterized by the following main parameters:
- melting point 1300-1400 degrees;
- hardness 65 units according to Rockwell;
- ultimate strength of 900 MPa;
- the beginning of destruction is 850 MPa.
The metal is used to make knife blades, surgical instruments, and industrial cutters. Knives are characterized by high hardness and the ability to withstand strong dynamic effects. They remain sharp for six months if the operating rules are followed. The only negative qualities are the difficulty of sharpening, which requires special equipment - a machine tool. It is also important to have skills in this process.
Only the American product Duratech 20CV can be considered an analogue of M390 steel, which is due to the recent appearance of the metal on the market.
I also recommend looking at the following steel grades:
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It should be remembered that when using a knife for its intended purpose and with careful handling, it will last you a very, very long time.
Ironwood - iron wood - handmade knives
Ironwood - Iron tree
In nature, ironwood is extremely rare, so it occupies an honorable place in the Red Book. However, in terms of its properties, each ironwood is not inferior in density to cast iron. Its bark can withstand fire from firearms, but at the same time it hopelessly sinks in water. It is worth noting that this is not a separate class of trees, but a whole group collected from different species. It includes several dozen species of plants with unusually dense wood. They can be found on each of the continents. Moreover, the raw materials are used both in the industrial industry and in medical practice.
What is special about these trees?
It is quite difficult to recognize a "stone" species of perennial plant with the naked eye. Especially if they are on the verge of extinction. However, they are characterized by the following features:
- the age of such long-livers is at least 2 hundred years;
- wood fiber is resistant to corrosion processes and does not deteriorate under the influence of strong acids;
- the bark contains many tannins that protect their "owners" from all kinds of parasites, as well as from rotting fungi;
- the log will definitely go under water, since the density of wood is 1 t / m³, taking into account the humidity of 12%, for this reason such species grow quite slowly;
- The height of each exceeds 25 meters, and the trunk circumference reaches more than 200 cm.
All these properties are necessary for the iron tree to survive in the harshest climatic conditions. Sharp temperature drops in Russia, African drought or humid European climate will not be able to harm this phenomenon of nature. Such tree species adapt perfectly in any adverse environment. For this purpose, they are equipped with a considerable number of adaptations, ranging from the unique structure of the trunk / roots and ending with the chemical composition of the bark. In this regard, they are widely used in production:
- furniture;
- building structures;
- cars;
- cosmetics;
- decorative elements;
- underwater equipment.
Mammoth Tusk: A Jewel Mined in Permafrost
Most of our contemporaries mammoth – “a monster round, mischievous, huge…” A large, disproportionately built elephant. A ferocious beast, densely overgrown with dense shiny or long brown and patchy wool. A four-legged hero with heavy tusks at the ready, fearlessly chasing polar bears. Or running away in confusion from a handful of crazy bipeds… That’s what a mammoth is in the performance of artists from science.
Mammoths – are they extinct?
It is generally accepted that mammoths lived as long ago as dinosaurs. However, scientists have reliably established: the last herds of mammoths lived on Wrangel Island about three and a half millennia ago. The Pyramid of Cheops was already over a thousand years old at that time. Moses was preparing his tribesmen for a forty-year dessert trip. The Mediterranean volcano Santorini, having erupted, buried the Mycenaean civilization a hundred years ago.
These are herds; individual families of mammoths, according to the assurances of lovers of polar hunting solitude, exist safely to this day. Whether this is true or not is not known for certain. However, there is no doubt that in the past mammoths lived everywhere in Europe, Asia, and America.
Permafrost is the best refrigerator for mammoth bone
Mammoth bone cemeteries are found everywhere: in France, in the Czech Republic, in Ukraine. But only where the land has been in a state of permafrost for thousands of years, mammoth tusks are preserved in their original (or almost original) form. One of the largest burials in the world is Yakutia, where a large amount of this highly valuable material is still mined annually. According to experts in the North Yakutsk province, the potential resources could be about 450 thousand tons.
Man has always valued the fossilized tusk of a mammoth. Dense, strong, massive, often white, usually yellowish, often colored with mineral salts in natural colors, mammoth bone has been used as a raw material for bone carving for many centuries.
A material that is valued by kings and rulers all over the world!
Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, father of Peter the Great, introduced a state monopoly on mammoth bone in the mid-seventeenth century. On his initiative, the extraction and supply of mammoth tusks to the bone-cutting workshops of Kholmogory and Moscow (Armorial Chamber) became stable.
Peter the Great, fascinated by crafts, carved a snuffbox from mammoth bone himself. Foreign craftsmen also liked the material: among the goods traditionally shipped from Russia to the West, there was always a place for the bone of an extinct animal.
The only one allowed
Today, mammoth tusk is the only high-value bone material permitted for extraction and use. Elephant tusk, commonly known as ivory, has been moved to the category of prohibited materials. Similar decisions have been made regarding sperm whale tooth (due to the complete abandonment of whaling) and walrus tusk (which is mined by northern peoples in small quantities).
Elk antler and femur (the tubular thigh bone of large animals) are not able to give the visual effect produced by products made of mammoth bone. The internal glow of the figures, the warm shades of a living body, the unsurpassed plasticity of the smallest details - these are just some of the advantages inherent in mammoth tusk.
Universality, nobility, uniqueness
The physical qualities of mammoth tusk are unique. Modern technologies are only trying to create substances that are close in properties to natural mammoth bone. Allowing for the finest detailing, allowing the illusion of soft draperies that naturally fall, mammoth tusk has deservedly become the most sought-after material for bone carving.
A mammoth tusk with a uniform structure is in particular demand. The uniformity of the color of the bone mass, the absence of cracks and other defects allows the artist to create regardless of the quality of the material. However, the integrity of the mammoth bone mass is now a rarity and the defects of the material force the artist to be more inventive in the composition, which ultimately turns into an additional advantage in the sculpture.
Asian buffalo horn
This is one of the largest animals belonging to the bovine family. The body length reaches 3 m, the height at the withers is 2 m. Large males can weigh a ton or even more. The horns of these animals are in the form of a crescent moon, directed in different directions and slightly backward.
The color of the animals is gray. The wool is not thick and moderately long. On the forehead it forms a small tuft. The body of this animal is massive, powerful, the limbs are strong, muscular. The hooves are large and cloven.
The head resembles a bull's, with a more massive skull. The eyes and ears are small. The tail is thin, long, with an elongated tuft of hair at the bottom.
African buffalo
It is slightly smaller than its Asian relative. Its height is up to 1.8 m at the withers, its body length is 3 m. It weighs slightly less.
The African buffalo is black or dark gray in color. This animal has pronounced sexual dimorphism: females are much smaller than males. Females also have a less powerful physique. Their horns are shorter and thinner.
The African buffalo has unique horns. Their bases in adults are fused, forming a kind of shield of bones. It is so strong that a rifle bullet cannot pierce it. The horns at the base diverge to the sides, bend down, and then with the same smooth bend go up and inward. Young individuals do not have such a shield of horns.
The African buffalo has very poor eyesight. It receives information from the surrounding world through its highly developed sense of smell and hearing.
In normal circumstances, the animal roars and snorts. In extreme circumstances, it moos loudly.
The buffalo grazes at night. It spends the day in the shade of a tree, in a swamp, where the temperature is lower. It sleeps or chews gum. Often a puddle or hole can be a shelter from the heat. It needs a daily watering hole. During the day, the animal needs up to 40 liters of water. In this regard, the buffalo never moves further than 4 km from water.
Females with calves are especially sensitive. They are constantly on the alert, showing their anxiety. When alarmed, the buffalo raises its head and throws back its horns. A quiet sound is enough for the herd to flee from danger. In case of serious danger, the animals can reach speeds of over 50 km/h.
Buffaloes are reluctant to enter the water. However, they are good swimmers.
Buffalo habitats
Back in the 19th century, this animal was common in sub-Saharan Africa. Today, buffalo populations can be found in Southern and Eastern Africa, where human interference in the biosphere is least noticeable.
Buffalo can live in savannahs, tropical forests, mountains (up to a height of 3 km). The animal feels best in savannahs, where there is year-round access to drinking water and juicy food. Buffalo does not live far from water bodies. Due to human extermination, the animal is most attached to protected areas: there you can meet herds of hundreds of individuals.
In the north of Tanzania there is a national park near Lake Manyero. It is here that the largest population of these herbivores is found. The animals are attracted by the spacious pastures located in the green zone between the lake and the mountain slopes. Some adult bulls do not associate their lives with the laws of the herd, preferring an independent existence. The large size and large strong horns are a sufficient reason to feel safe.
Important decisions for the herd are made by high-ranking females, and controversial issues are resolved in the form of a special form of voting. Closer to lunch, the herd settles down to process the morning feed. Sometimes the leading females raise their legs, turning in the direction, while the others carefully follow them. As a result, the herd moves further in the direction chosen by the "majority of those who voted."
At this time, it is time for procedures related to personal hygiene. Local species of woodpeckers and herons are happy to provide their services in cleaning the skin, in exchange for insects collected under the fur. Thus, the birds help the buffaloes regulate the populations of parasitic insects capable of carrying pathogenic microbes. The immune system of an adult buffalo allows it to cope with almost all common diseases. However, weakened individuals can become victims of parasites.
High-quality and original steel overlays are a wonderful decoration for exclusive and unique knives from the Studio of Exclusive Handmade Knives by SERGIA DROZDA (Ukraine), which offers to order and buy online at
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