Exclusive handmade knives No. 1 in Ukraine
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Studio of world-famous handmade kitchen knives of the "OXYS" brand, buy and order in Ukraine

What we do:
High-performance kitchen knives, hand-crafted from rare, premium special steels.

We work with rare and exotic powder steels to create knives that will withstand heavy use and stay in families for generations.

OXYS strives to find the optimal balance between edge retention, hardness and strength


who we are
OXYS Knives is a collective of supporters of artisan knife making from Ukraine and Australia.

Serhiy, Grisha and Denis are specialists in knife making, steel supply, heat treatment and cryogenic treatment, tooling and forging. We cooperate with famous craftsmen in Ukraine and around the world to create interesting and unique kitchen knives that will stand the test of time.

We understand that a kitchen knife spends most of its time on a magnet, and it needs to look good on display. However, once you get your hands on it, it should perform well. Then be careful while doing it and hopefully survive the accidental drop. That is why we choose to work with high-quality special steels

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